FINALLY! Blue box Kraft gluten free macaroni and cheese.
I have always loved blue box Mac and cheese. As a kid when dad was in charge of dinner he would make Kraft blue box Mac and cheese and add sliced hot dogs. Just remembering that meal puts a smile on my face. It was so good!

Early in my parents marriage my mom made homemade Mac and cheese for my dad. He smiled and said it was good but blue box was just as good and less work. Needless to stay we only had blue box Mac and cheese as kids. I never remember eating homemade Mac and cheese until I got married. Kraft blue box was the only Mac and cheese option as far as I knew.
When I was diagnosed with Celiac Disease we had an 18 month of daughter. Mac and cheese was a staple in her diet, so I quickly found gluten free alternatives. 9 years ago there were not as many GF options as there are now. And to be honest, the mixes have gotten a lot better. You can even find cheaper store brand Mac and cheese that gets the job done.
I had seen photos for the gluten free Kraft Macaroni & Cheese online but hadn’t found it in real life. This past Thursday I was in Target getting a few items (that’s a joke – you can’t go to Target for a few items!) and walked past an end cap with Kraft blue box.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw the magical words “GLUTEN FREE” on the box. I stopped in my tracks and grabbed a box. At this point the kids were asking what was wrong. Then I showed them that it was gluten free! They were just as excited as I was because now they could have Kraft blue box in our house! They get it at grandmas house so they know what it is.
I quickly took a picture and grabbed 2 boxes. We finished our shopping and went home. Thursday was Hubby’s birthday and we had plans to eat out so I had to wait to try it.
Friday I got home from work and started to boil water. I had ordered pizza for dinner but I wasn’t going to wait another day to try gluten free Kraft Macaroni & Cheese!
Ya’ll it was amazing! It tasted just like it is supposed to. It was perfect.
Every childhood memory of Mac and cheese involves Kraft Mac and cheese.

I posted about gluten free Kraft Mac and cheese on social and it blew up! It seems blue box means a lot to you guys too. So I ran back to Target and got a couple more boxes to share.
2 winners will each win 2 boxes of gluten free Kraft macaroni & cheese
a Rafflecopter giveawayFriends if you live gluten free and can have dairy, I hope you are able to find this wonderful treat and it brings back all your childhood memories too!
Not a sponsored post.
Just checking in to see if you had any I’ll effects after eating? I’ve been a Celiac (diagnose in college) for about 7 years now, and the Blue Box was my favorite as a child. I can’t tell anywhere that says it is certified so I’m a little nervous to try it!
*ill* Autocorrect got me!
It is not certified GF, but I haven’t had any issues and I’ve had tons of boxes of it 🙂
I just tried this yesterday. I’m also celiac. Unfortunately, I bloated up like I was 9 months pregnant and had a significant amount of pain, gas and.. oh dear, dire-rear! While I enjoyed the taste of childhood, I did not enjoy the painful effects. I don’t know if it’s cross contamination somehow, even though they claim gluten free, or the added junk in the flavorings. Very disappointing. 🙁
Oh no! Hope you feel better!
Oh my gosh, the same thing happened to me!! I was so excited to try it and while the taste is delicious, I’m in a significant amount of pain and my stomach has swollen/bloated as well. It’s scary how Gluten can make me look pregnant all over again. I hope you feel better!!