Yes, you read the title correctly! This is a recipe for slow cooked roast pork cooked in Dr. Pepper. You see Dr. Pepper is the preferred beverage of my sweet hubby and he lovingly refers to it as the “nectar of the gods”. He can’t go two hours without a glass of the stuff. So when I saw The Pioneer Woman had a Dr. Pepper pork recipe I knew I had to make it for my hubby! Ree is so much cooler than I will EVER be!
Our family isn’t big into spicy food so I changed the recipe some to match our family’s taste. We also had dinner guests of two teenage boys from hubby’s youth group over so I made tons of sides to feed them. For a quick lesson of Southern BBQ check out this post where I discuss NC terms, technique and sides.
What You Need:
1 onion
1 tbsp brown sugar
2 tbsp GF Worcestershire sauce
Salt & pepper
2 cups of Dr. Pepper
4-5 lb pork butt or roast
How to Make It:
Quarter the onion and make a layer on the bottom of your slow cooker (I used my 6 qt). Season the pork with salt and pepper then place on top of the onions. Pour in the sugar, sauce and Dr. Pepper.
Cook low and slow for 8 hours. The pork will be falling apart by dinner! And you will want to have a party when you experience how good this makes your house smell.
I served ours with green beans, GF Mac n cheese, GF cornbread and zucchini casserole. Dessert was strawberry cobbler. This was a huge hit with the hubby and the teenage boys. Everyone got second helpings!
The pork was so tender and juicy! It was also surprisingly not sweet. I thought the Dr. Pepper would make it sweeter. Next time I will try to make a glaze with part of the yummy juices!
I didn’t think DP was gluten free because of the caramel color. Did you have a reaction?
Great question! Not all caramel color is Gluten. This is from the Dr. Pepper website:
Q: Does Dr Pepper contain gluten?
A: All of our products are considered gluten-free. Note: All products, which contain High Fructose Corn Syrup, may contain trace amounts of corn gluten. According to the Celiac Sprue Association, corn gluten is not harmful to people with Celiac Sprue disease. We encourage consumers with specific questions about Celiac Sprue to contact the Celiac Sprue Association at
You can do the same with root beer or hard cider! Great results with slightly different flavor if you decide to change it up a bit.
The hard cider is a great idea! Will have to try that one!
Do you think you can you use Diet Dr. Pepper?
Sure! Less calories!
Looks great…quick question…what do you use for the Gluten Free Macaroni and Cheese?
I have seen this on the PW website and always wanted to try it! Sounds delicious